Sunday, May 8, 2016

Budget List of the Week

It's been a pretty exciting week.  Now with tax season over work definitely has been quiet.  My hubby started a new job, and I am on my last week of my accounting class.  Monday I start an online statistics class, so fingers crossed for that!

I have been focusing on more fruits and veggies in my diet this year.  Now that hubby and I have been living in our new place since January, the pantry is more stocked and we are now in the nice mode where we know what we like, so sticking within budget has gotten easier.  This healthy eating has been a long journey of mine.  The last two years I have cut out excess sugar and bread from my diet.  I am proud to say I don't remember the last time we had a bag of sugar in our house or a loaf of bread.  I do eat bread items on occasion.  I don't think I could ever 100% cut out bread from my diet. Bread is my weakness.

My May Birchbox is on it's way, so hopefully I will get to review that soon for you guys.  I have been loving a few of my April samples so here's hoping my May box gets as much love.  I love that it's only $10 a month.  Super friendly on my budget right now.

I love shopping day and this week I'm extra excited because hubby and I finally purchased a blender, so this week's breakfast will be a green smoothie for me and a protein shake for hubby.  I am so in love with green smoothies. I can't wait to fill this whole week up with such a healthy breakfast. Here is my grocery receipt for the week:

Unsweetend Coconut Milk.........................$3.79
Non fat Yogurt..............................................3.00
24 pkt bottled water......................................2.99
Whole chicken, 3.05 lbs...............................4.55
Whole chicken, 3.52 lbs...............................5.25
Asparagus, 1.29 lbs......................................2.43
Cucumbers, 3 @ .49.....................................1.47
Grape tomatoes.............................................1.99
Green beans, 1.83 lbs....................................2.73
Lemons, 5......................................................3.85
Red Apples, 4.82 lbs.....................................7.18
Red Globe Grapes, 1.89lbs...........................5.47

Total without tax.........................................47.19

Some items we already had on hand that need used up:

Whole Milk
two cartons eggs
Coconut and Chia granola (Aldi's brand, woo hoo! My new fav.)
Six Star Whey Protein
Peanut butter
Whole Wheat Pitas
Cinnamon Graham Crackers
Sour Cream
Shredded Cheddar Cheese
French Onion Dip

Stay tuned throughout the week to see what yummies I come up with this week.  Let the creations begin!

 photo credit: <a href="">hy-vee</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>

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